
Showing posts from December, 2020

GP Stories - Covid and nursing homes

Covid has really been tough for older people, being constantly reminded that this disease is a death sentence for them and having to isolate at home. What has been even tougher is older people in the care homes. They've heard through out the pandemic that Covid has been racing through the homes and a lot of the deaths have been in them. In the care home I help look after, the social isolation has really been getting to a lot of the residents. 

NHS Pension - The Basics

The NHS pension is often a mis-understood financial benefit that many employees generally just forget about. They know a lot of money gets taken from their payslips with the assumption they'll get it back later when they retire. I recently decided to look into it further so I thought it'd be useful for me to break it down as easily as I can. First this to say is that the NHS pension is a defined-benefit (DB) scheme, not a defined-contribution (DC) scheme. What you pay in is not added to some pot of money; it's better thinking of it as a membership fee. There are two NHS pension schemes, the old 1995 final salary scheme and the newer 2015 Career Average Revalued Earnings scheme (CARE). I'll go over the 2015 scheme as it is applicable to most people now (and what I am mostly in). The NHS pension is a guaranteed income for life upon retirement. It is index-linked, meaning that it will increase with inflation (Consumer Price Inflation) every year. This sort of scheme is r

Cancer Referral App - The numbers

Never expected big numbers with my first app, its quite a niche market and I've done no advertising for it. I haven't put it on the App Store on iOS (no point for £99 a year) but eventually I will. There is a separate app called play developer console which gives you some analytics about the app. It's been roughly 3 months on the Google Play Store, below are the numbers.

Matched Betting - The End

Thus ends this short journey. I still have one to do, but isn't quite a matched bet, more of a money-back gamble. In the end it was too time-consuming for me for not enough pay off and it always was quite boring to do. In total I made £957.67 tax free which ain't bad. 

Matched Betting - Month 2

Must admit, the grind of this is getting long and boring. Profit is down as I'm finishing the sign up offers and just relying on reload ones. I learnt how to do ACCA bets this month, but doing it is long... I think I will stop after my subscription ends this month, time spent is not worth the pay off... Here are the stats for this month.