
Showing posts from August, 2022

How to sell a house

Buying a house is generally a big step for most people, a step into adulthood with all the responsibility it entails. First-time buyers have it relatively easy as most sellers love first-time buyers, they don't have the dreaded 'chain', they are potentially naive in regards in what to look for and usually quite keen. But what if you already have a house and you need to sell to get a new place. This is the predicament I found myself in, the dreaded chain. Whilst we haven't found a new place to purchase yet, our current place has been sold so below is some things I've learn about the process along the way.

Time to Strike?

Everyone is striking these days. The train drivers are always doing it. The posties are doing it this month. There are barristers and firemen talking about striking. More interesting in our case is doctors. The government has reccommended a 4.5% pay increase to doctors. However, not to all doctors. GP partners and doctors in training are not included in this deal.