
Showing posts from August, 2021

New to Partnership Training Bursary

The new to partnership scheme has an attached £3,000 bursary attached to it for new partners. It's meant to teach new partners the non-clinical skills that should serve them well in their new role. It requires you to pay for the course, and then NHS England will pay your practice back on your 1 year anniversary of being a partner. There are several options available that I'm aware of, listed below.

GP Bashing - Daily Mail style

I don't read the Daily Mail regularly but occasionally I get sent a interesting news articles by friends and colleagues. This time, I got sent the annual GP bashing article as the annual pay report is released, titled Rise of the £100k GPs . The actual financial report is published here . 

3% pay rise for NHS workers

I briefly mentioned the proposed 1% pay rise for NHS workers in the maternity pay post but now the government has actually come out that there will be a 3% rise for NHS workers  in England. This will include consultants, dentists, nurses, paramedics and salaried GPs. This will not include doctors in training or GP partners however. This is actually more than I thought it would be, but for some, they want more. Consultants are being balloted to see if strike action is warranted as they didn't get the 5% they were looking for. Nurses will get roughly £1000 extra annually on average but they wanted 12.5% (which would be £4000 extra) and may strike as well. Other union NHS staff may also stage a strike if they don't get the pay rise they want.  Seems a bit ungrateful this sign A lot of their arguments are that it's still a below inflation pay rise (which is predicted to go reach near  4% this year ) and wont make up for the years of below inflation or non-existent pay rises.