
Showing posts from April, 2021

Maternity leave and pay in the NHS

Maternity pay is something I have found quite confusing, especially in the NHS. With a spate of new pregnancies in my friendship group, I thought it'd be something I'd revisit. I find it easier to think of it as weeks in the pregnancy so you will notice the fractions, which mean the week of the pregnancy (10th week of pregnancy is equal to 10/40) - hope that makes sense. Also bare in mind this is the standard NHS / BMA maternity leave, if you are employed by a GP surgery then depending on your contract, it may differ from what is down below. 

GP Stories - Lost in translation?

As a GP Trainee, I took a call from a middle-aged lady from Eastern Europe who had some problems urinating for several days, associated with some lower abdominal pain and back pain. She spoke very little English so she had made her young teenage daughter call in and translate over the phone. This is one of the issues of phone consultations, how can things like this be kept confidential? GPs don't have an easy way to get translation services for phone consults, and not one that would be quick to get. Asking about vaginal discharge is bad enough for a male GP, let alone getting a young daughter to ask her mum. 

GP Stories - Mobile phone use in children

As a parent, there are several topical parenting questions. One such popular question is “Will you give your child a smartphone?”. When I was young the old Nokias that could play snake was very popular, but I never got a phone until I was in 6 th form (and it was not a snazzy Nokia). I guess parents back then did not have the dilemma they have now.