
Showing posts from January, 2021

GP Stories - Covid Vaccine

Like most primary care doctors around the country now, we're all working towards the vaccine effort of vaccinating our local populations. Some are actively giving out the vaccinations, some in a supervising role, some doing the very important task of organising everyone and everything. Uptake of the vaccine has been good with most people very keen on receiving it in with many others who are not eligible yet, calling up wondering when they will get it. One is the hard parts has been calling patients up to consent and inform them about the vaccine. The cohort of patients currently that area being called in are over 80, and may have issues with hearing that can make phone calls hard. Most of these patients have been done now, and we're moving down the age groups. People who cannot leave their home in my area have been able to get free transport to the vaccine hubs which will greatly improved uptake.

NHS Pension - Lifetime Allowance

Last post I discussed the intricacies of the annual allowance, how earning above a certain amount or being stung by changing CPI's can cause you to be foul of the annual allowance. This post I will go over the lifetime allowance and how it applies to the 2015 scheme.

NHS Pension - Annual Allowance issues

In my first post I explained how the NHS pension is calculated and it's more obvious benefits - I suggest reading that first otherwise it this may not make too much sense. The main reason I actually wanted to look into it was to calculate the annual allowance and to see if it was worth topping up a personal allowance. What I found was, that it was very complicated so hopefully I will be able to break it down for you in a easy to follow manner. Again, I am only talking about the 2015 NHS pension.